Monitoring,treatment and detection of type 2 diabetes

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It is important for regularly monitoring and treat type 2 diabetes as it is a progressive disease. This disease will continue to progress till it is treated. Major effect of type 2 diabetes are skin, eye and foot problems.

1. Detection. Doctors recommend getting tested for diabetes at your annual physical. There are a few different tests that are done to detect Type 2 diabetes. These tests are...
  • HbA1c,
  • Fasting Plasma Glucose (FPG),
  • Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT), and
  • Random Plasma Glucose Test.
Usually these tests are repeated at least two times to give accurate results. The results of the test will come out as normal, prediabetes, or Type 2 diabetes. Most people develop prediabetes before developing full-blown diabetes. Prediabetes means that blood sugar levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to be considered diabetes. Being told you have prediabetes is a good chance to make changes that will lower your blood sugar and decrease your chances of developing Type 2 diabetes.

2. Monitoring. If you have diabetes, you most likely need to measure your blood sugar throughout the day. This is the main way you'll monitor your condition. This is usually done through pricking your finger with a lancing device and measuring the sugar level of the drop of blood. Depending...
  • on your age,
  • how long you've had diabetes, and
  • other conditions,
you'll have different targets for your blood sugar results. The targets will also be different depending on the time of day and if it's before or after a meal. The results should then be recorded - either tracked online or written in a log. This record will help your doctor make changes to your treatment if needed.

3. Treatment.
  • diet and exercise: The first step to treating diabetes is usually meal planning, exercise, and weight loss. Some people with Type 2 diabetes can manage it with diet and exercise alone. Other people will need to take medications or insulin to help manage blood sugar levels.
  • oral medications: There are lots of different types of medications doctors can prescribe for diabetes. They work in different ways, including making the cells in the pancreas release more insulin, decreasing the amount of glucose produced by the liver, and making the kidneys excrete more sugar. The type of medication you are prescribed will depend on your unique needs.
  • insulin: If your body isn't using its own insulin correctly, you made need to take insulin. Taking insulin helps your body use sugar for energy. Insulin has to be injected in the skin in order for it to reach the blood. There are several types of insulin that come in different strengths and work for different lengths of time. Most Type 2 diabetics who take insulin need one injection per day.
At the end of the day, you need to consult your doctor if your are diagnose with type 2 diabetes. Manage your eating plan and eat healthier.


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