Sudden Diabetes Threat

According to a study from France, the more red meat you eat, the more you may increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

For 14 years, researchers in Paris followed more than 66,000 women who were participating in a long-running study of cancer and nutrition, and observed them for new cases of diabetes. More than 1,300 women in the study developed the disease within the 14 years.

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The researchers reported that women in the top 25 percent for "potential renal acid load" - the potential impact of protein from meat and dairy products on kidney and urine acid levels - had a 56 percent increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared to those in the bottom 25 percent. Surprisingly, women of normal weight in the top 25 percent had a 96 percent increased risk compared to a 28 percent increased risk for overweight women in the top 25 percent.

Results of another test, net endogenous acid production, showed a similar increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes with a higher acid load. The researchers reported that the risk persisted after adjusting for other dietary patterns, meat consumption and the amount of fruit, vegetables, coffee and sweetened beverages the women ate. Fruits and vegetables are alkaline and can neutralize acidity.

The French researchers concluded that excess acid can lead to serious metabolic complications, which then reduces the body's ability to regulate insulin levels, leading to diabetes.

My take? The body regulates its acid-base balance very carefully, and the "acid" foods we are talking about here (those that contributes to urine acidity) should not be confused with the special diets or "alkaline water" promoted by internet marketers.

While results of this study must be confirmed in other populations, the findings suggest that a shift in the western diet toward more fruits and vegetables and away from meat and dairy products could help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

A study from Singapore published this year (2013) found that an increased intake of red meat over four years was associated with higher risk of type 2 diabetes during the subsequent four years.

The study also shows that it is more risk if you consume more processed red meat (more than half a serving plate).


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